Monday, October 5, 2009

Flooding at the ELMA School

October 2009 update: The floodwaters receded, and all of the students and the books were OK. ~Leah

From: Vey Lav
Date: October 5, 2009 3:52:03 AM PDT
Subject: Flooding

Dear Sheree,

It gets flooded in Siem Reap, as well as Sambour and ELMA school. The terrace in front of the classrooms and library is also still overflooded that students' bike are not able to parked on and it affected the young students too.

Since ELMA school restarted this fall and the same time the bloody rain appeared and getting flooded, we do not get many students come to the classes once the family afraid of the kids getting drowned and it is hard to get through by bike.

It is still containing with almost 0.5 meter on some spot of the road to ELMA school.

You are right Siem Reap gets flooded almost everywhere as we never expected. We were so afraid that the books get wet but all are OK.

This is the horrible flood in Siem Reap as we have never had this for years before. I spoke to the Sambour School principal and Chair of Sambour Commune for Building new Water drainage in front of ELMA School and the house next door for offering the high flowing speed of the water out from our school.

In this case, I need help from local authority and commune as they have supported us in many cases like security and environmental issues up on the request. Don't worry. Water will disappear soon. We may need also higher elevation in front of ELMA classrooms next year just in case more flood in the future.

All very best wishes from ELMA School Cambodia,


From: Sheree O'Donnell
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2009, 11:30 AM

Dear Vey,

How are you?

I'm not sure if you have received any of my previous messages and I can imagine that given the current flooding situation in Siem Reap that Internet connections are hard to find.

How are you coping with the weather? I've heard from friends that a lot of the town is under 3 meters of water! Old Market area, etc. How has it affected Sambour? How are the children and their families coping?

I am praying for sunshine for you!

Best Wishes,


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